Malaclav: Your Shield Against Malaria - A Holy Ayurvedic Remedy

Discover Malaclav by Holy Ayurveda - Your potent weapon against malaria. Learn about its powerful ingredients and how Ayurveda can bolster your immunity.

Malaclav: Your Shield Against Malaria - A Holy Ayurvedic Remedy

In the realm of health, few adversaries are as formidable as malaria. This insidious disease, transmitted through the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito, strikes with a vengeance. It unleashes a high fever, chilling shivers, and agonizing muscle pain upon its victims. Malaria is not merely an illness; it's a battle against time and resilience.

Malaria is the result of a mosquito's sinister alliance with parasites. When an infected mosquito bites, it injects these parasites into your bloodstream, initiating a war within your body. Most malaria infections mimic the flu, with symptoms that come and go in relentless cycles. Yet, some strains of malaria can wreak havoc, causing severe damage to vital organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys, or even the brain.

In the midst of this perilous struggle, there exists a formidable ally - Malaclav. Crafted by the wisdom of Holy Ayurveda, Malaclav is a potent medicine designed to prevent and cure malaria. Let's delve into its powerful composition.

Malaclav's Mighty Ingredients:

  • Afsanteen ext. (60mg): A key player in malaria's defeat, it supports the efficacy of artemisinin and its derivatives against various forms of human malaria.

  • Giloy ext. (60mg): Known for its anti-pyretic nature, it effectively combats chronic fever and aids in increasing blood platelet count, making it invaluable in malaria and dengue fever.

  • Mahasudarshan Churna (60mg): This unique remedy not only fights fever, but it also helps with associated issues like diarrhea, indigestion, cough, cold, or allergies.

  • Tribhuvan Kirti Ras (80mg): A versatile warrior against all types of fevers, from influenza to chickenpox and beyond.

  • Godanti Bhasma (80mg): With emmenagogue and anti-spasmodic properties, it provides relief from symptoms like cough, headache, and malarial fever.

  • Laxmi Vilas Ras (80mg): A multi-faceted gem that aids in conditions ranging from breathlessness to tuberculosis, it also acts as an excellent cardiac tonic.

  • Chirayata ext. (80mg): A tonic for various organs, it excels in combating fevers, skin diseases, and acting as a blood purifier.

The Benefits of Malaclav:

  • Effectively tackles fevers of various origins, including malaria and viral fevers.
  • Provides relief from headaches, body aches, cold, flu, and other fever-related discomforts.
  • Enhances immunity, fortifying your body's defenses.
  • Alleviates cough associated with fever.

Dosage: Take one capsule thrice a day with water after meals or as directed by your physician.

Side Effects: Malaclav has a clean track record with no observed adverse effects when used within recommended dosages.

Caution: Keep Malaclav away from direct sunlight, moisture, and out of children's reach.

Availability: Malaclav comes in blister packs containing 10 x 10 capsules

For further information, contact the Product Information Cell at North India Lifesciences:

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Karnal Haryana, India.
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.In your battle against malaria, Malaclav stands as a steadfast guardian, a testament to the healing wisdom of Holy Ayurveda. Trust in its potency and holistic approach to wellness. Choose Malaclav and fortify your defenses against the relentless foe called malaria. #HolyAyurveda #Malaclav #MalariaPrevention #NaturalHealing