Reviving Vitality with Stepnid Tablets by Holy Ayurveda

Explore Stepnid tablets from Holy Ayurveda by North India Life Sciences. Discover a unique blend of Hartal shuddha & Nirvishi that revitalizes and restores, providing relief from low blood pressure symptoms.

Reviving Vitality with Stepnid Tablets by Holy Ayurveda

In a world where low blood pressure can occasionally lead to discomfort, Stepnid tablets by Holy Ayurveda offer a natural solution. While low blood pressure isn't always a cause for concern, its symptoms can be unsettling – lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting, unusual thirst, and fatigue. These sensations might indicate postural hypotension, which calls for attention. Understanding the root cause of low blood pressure is crucial for appropriate treatment.

Introducing Stepnid tablet, a distinctive composition featuring Hartal shuddha & Nirvishi, carefully crafted to revive and restore hypotension. This potent blend acts rapidly, enhancing the nervous system, regulating pulse rate, and maintaining blood pressure within therapeutic parameters.

Each silver-coated tablet includes:

Hartal shuddha 50mg
Nirvishi 40mg
Excipients q.s.
Ingredient Highlights:
Hartal shuddha serves as an alterative and febrifuge. Its benefits extend to conditions like asthma, paralysis, epilepsy, and more.
Nirvishi roots, with their alterative, bitter, stimulant, and tonic properties, provide relief for various ailments, including aconite poisoning, brain diseases, fungal infections, and toothache. It showcases a potent influence on heart health and circulation.

Usage and Benefits:
Stepnid tablets are advantageous for conditions such as Pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia, Low Blood Pressure, Heart depression, Cholera & Facial Paralysis.

Take one to two tablets thrice a day with water after a meal or as directed by the physician.

Side Effects:
No adverse or toxic effects have ever been reported with short-term usage of Stepnid tablets in recommended dosage.

Store the medicine away from direct sunlight, moisture, and children's reach.

Increase dietary salt intake.
Stay hydrated with non-alcoholic fluids.
Limit alcohol consumption.
Exercise regularly for improved blood flow.
Rise slowly from sitting or lying positions.
Elevate your head while sleeping.
Avoid straining during toilet activities.
Opt for smaller, frequent meals.
Utilize compression stockings for enhanced circulation.
Stepnid tablets are available in a jar of 20 x 100 tablets, housed in an HDPE container of 100 tablets.

For further information, contact the Product Information Cell at North India Lifesciences:

SCO-1, Nirmal Market Railway Road,
Karnal Haryana, India.

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Embrace the holistic healing of Stepnid tablets from Holy Ayurveda, offered by North India Life Sciences. Rediscover vitality and well-being naturally. #StepnidTablets #HolisticHealing